Attribute VB_Name = "modEmail" Option Compare Database Option Explicit Dim aTo As String, aCC As String, aFrom As String, aPath As String Dim FileList As String, aTextBody As String, aSubject As String Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim strSubject As String Dim strMessage As String Dim strEmailTo As String Dim strEmailCC As String Dim strMsg As String Dim strFrom As String Dim strFormName As String Public Sub SendEmail(intType As Integer, stDocName As String, stRecipientList As String, stCCList As String, _ stSubj As String, stMessage As String, blnEdit As Boolean, strPath As String) On Error GoTo Err_SendEmail 'CR - use SilentFlag=True to block email success confirmation messages 'NewEmailCode '========================== If strFrom = "" Then strFrom = "" 'dummy email address End If 'Debug.Print strFrom SendEMailCDO stRecipientList, stCCList, stSubj, stMessage, strFrom, strPath '========================== Exit_SendEmail: Exit Sub Err_SendEmail: MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description Resume Exit_SendEmail End Sub Public Function CheckEmailSettings() As Boolean On Error GoTo Err_Handler 'Checks if email settings exist. If not, output = false CheckEmailSettings = True If Nz(DLookup("ItemValue", "tblProgramSettings", "ItemName='SendUsing'"), "") = "" Or _ Nz(DLookup("ItemValue", "tblProgramSettings", "ItemName='SMTPServerPort'"), "") = "" Or _ Nz(DLookup("ItemValue", "tblProgramSettings", "ItemName='SMTPServer'"), "") = "" Or _ Nz(DLookup("ItemValue", "tblProgramSettings", "ItemName='SMTPAuthenticate'"), "") = "" Or _ Nz(DLookup("ItemValue", "tblProgramSettings", "ItemName='SendUserName'"), "") = "" Or _ Nz(DLookup("ItemValue", "tblProgramSettings", "ItemName='SendPassword'"), "") = "" Or _ Nz(DLookup("ItemValue", "tblProgramSettings", "ItemName='SMTPConnectionTimeout'"), "") = "" Or _ Nz(DLookup("ItemValue", "tblProgramSettings", "ItemName='SMTPUseSSL'"), "") = "" Then CheckEmailSettings = False End If Exit_Handler: Exit Function Err_Handler: MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " in CheckDefaultEmailSettings procedure : " & Err.Description Resume Exit_Handler End Function Public Function ClearEmailSettings() On Error GoTo Err_Handler 'clear all default email settings stored in tblProgramSettings Dim db As DAO.Database Set db = CurrentDb() db.Execute "UPDATE tblProgramSettings SET ItemValue = '' WHERE (((ItemName)='SendUserName'));", dbFailOnError db.Execute "UPDATE tblProgramSettings SET ItemValue = '' WHERE (((ItemName)='SendUsing'));", dbFailOnError db.Execute "UPDATE tblProgramSettings SET ItemValue = '' WHERE (((ItemName)='SMTPServerPort'));", dbFailOnError db.Execute "UPDATE tblProgramSettings SET ItemValue = '' WHERE (((ItemName)='SMTPServer'));", dbFailOnError db.Execute "UPDATE tblProgramSettings SET ItemValue = '' WHERE (((ItemName)='SMTPAuthenticate'));", dbFailOnError db.Execute "UPDATE tblProgramSettings SET ItemValue = '' WHERE (((ItemName)='SendUserName'));", dbFailOnError db.Execute "UPDATE tblProgramSettings SET ItemValue = '' WHERE (((ItemName)='SendPassword'));", dbFailOnError db.Execute "UPDATE tblProgramSettings SET ItemValue = '' WHERE (((ItemName)='SMTPConnectionTimeout'));", dbFailOnError db.Execute "UPDATE tblProgramSettings SET ItemValue = '' WHERE (((ItemName)='SMTPUseSSL'));", dbFailOnError db.Execute "UPDATE tblProgramSettings SET ItemValue = 'No' WHERE (((ItemName)='EMailUseOutlook'));", dbFailOnError Exit_Handler: Exit Function Err_Handler: MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " in ClearEmailSettings procedure : " & Err.Description Resume Exit_Handler End Function Public Function SendEmailDisplayOutlook(strSendTo As String, strCopyTo As String, strSubject As String, strMessage As String, strAttachment As String) On Error GoTo ErrHandler 'Uses late binding to send email(so that a reference to Outlook library is not needed) Dim objOutlook As Object Dim objOutlookMsg As Object Dim sAPPPath As String ' Create the Outlook session. Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") ' Create the message. Set objOutlookMsg = objOutlook.CreateItem(0) ' Add the To/Subject/Body/Attachments to the message then display the message for editing With objOutlookMsg .To = strSendTo .CC = strCopyTo .Subject = strSubject .Body = strMessage If Nz(strAttachment, "") <> "" Then .Attachments.Add strAttachment End If .display '.Send End With Set objOutlook = Nothing Set objOutlookMsg = Nothing ErrHandlerExit: Exit Function ErrHandler: If Err = -2147418113 Then MsgBox "ERROR: Cannot open Microsoft Outlook. " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "For support, please contact: " & vbCrLf & " - " & GetSupportEMail() & vbCrLf & _ "using your default email application ", vbCritical, "Outlook not available" Exit Function Else MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " in SendEMailDisplayOutlook routine: " & Err.Description Resume ErrHandlerExit End If End Function Function GetSupportEMail() 'This would normally reference a settings table GetSupportEMail = "" End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure : StartOutlook ' Author : Daniel Pineault, CARDA Consultants Inc. ' Website : ' Purpose : Demonstration of how one can start outlook if it isn't already started ' considering CreateObject("Outlook.Application") not longer works! ' Copyright : The following may be altered and reused as you wish so long as the ' copyright notice is left unchanged (including Author, Website and ' Copyright). It may not be sold/resold or reposted on other sites (links ' back to this site are allowed). ' ' Usage: ' ~~~~~~ ' ' ' Revision History: ' Rev Date(yyyy/mm/dd) Description ' ************************************************************************************** ' 1 2014-Oct-31 Initial Release '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function StartOutlook() On Error GoTo Error_Handler Dim oOutlook As Object Dim sAPPPath As String If IsAppRunning("Outlook.Application") = True Then 'Outlook was already running Set oOutlook = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") 'Bind to existing instance of Outlook Else 'Could not get instance of Outlook, so create a new one sAPPPath = GetAppExePath("outlook.exe") 'determine outlook's installation path Shell (sAPPPath) 'start outlook Do While Not IsAppRunning("Outlook.Application") DoEvents Loop Set oOutlook = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") 'Bind to existing instance of Outlook End If ' MsgBox "Outlook Should be running now, let's do something" Const olMailItem = 0 Dim oOutlookMsg As Object Set oOutlookMsg = oOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem) 'Start a new e-mail message oOutlookMsg.display 'Show the message to the user Error_Handler_Exit: On Error Resume Next Set oOutlook = Nothing Exit Function Error_Handler: MsgBox "The following error has occured" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Error Number: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _ "Error Source: StartOutlook" & vbCrLf & _ "Error Description: " & Err.Description _ , vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "An Error has Occured!" Resume Error_Handler_Exit End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure : IsAppRunning ' Author : Daniel Pineault, CARDA Consultants Inc. ' Website : ' Purpose : Determine is an App is running or not ' Copyright : The following may be altered and reused as you wish so long as the ' copyright notice is left unchanged (including Author, Website and ' Copyright). It may not be sold/resold or reposted on other sites (links ' back to this site are allowed). ' ' Input Variables: ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' sApp : GetObject Application to verify if it is running or not ' ' Usage: ' ~~~~~~ ' IsAppRunning("Outlook.Application") ' IsAppRunning("Excel.Application") ' IsAppRunning("Word.Application") ' ' Revision History: ' Rev Date(yyyy/mm/dd) Description ' ************************************************************************************** ' 1 2014-Oct-31 Initial Release '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function IsAppRunning(sApp As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo Error_Handler Dim oApp As Object Set oApp = GetObject(, sApp) IsAppRunning = True Error_Handler_Exit: On Error Resume Next Set oApp = Nothing Exit Function Error_Handler: Resume Error_Handler_Exit End Function '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure : GetAppExePath ' Author : Daniel Pineault, CARDA Consultants Inc. ' Website : ' Purpose : Determine the path for a given exe installed on the local computer ' Copyright : The following may be altered and reused as you wish so long as the ' copyright notice is left unchanged (including Author, Website and ' Copyright). It may not be sold/resold or reposted on other sites (links ' back to this site are allowed). ' ' Input Variables: ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' sEXEName : Name of the exe to locate ' ' Usage: ' ~~~~~~ ' Call GetAppExePath("msaccess.exe") ' GetAppExePath("firefox.exe") ' GetAppExePath("outlook.exe") ' ' Revision History: ' Rev Date(yyyy/mm/dd) Description ' ************************************************************************************** ' 1 2014-Oct-31 Initial Release '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function GetAppExePath(ByVal sExeName As String) As String On Error GoTo Error_Handler Dim WSHShell As Object Set WSHShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") GetAppExePath = WSHShell.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\" & sExeName & "\") Error_Handler_Exit: On Error Resume Next Set WSHShell = Nothing Exit Function Error_Handler: If Err.Number = -2147024894 Then 'Cannot locate requested exe???? Else MsgBox "The following error has occurred." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Error Number: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _ "Error Source: GetAppExePath" & vbCrLf & _ "Error Description: " & Err.Description, _ vbCritical, "An Error has Occurred!" End If Resume Error_Handler_Exit End Function Sub SendEMailCDO(aTo, aCC, aSubject, aTextBody, aFrom, aPath) '========================================== 'Original code by Jeff Blumson 'Adapted by Colin Riddington to include file attachents 'Date: 25/08/2007 '========================================== On Error GoTo Err_SendEMailCDO Const CdoBodyFormatText = 1 Const CdoBodyFormatHTML = 0 Const CdoMailFormatMime = 0 Const CdoMailFormatText = 1 Dim Message As Object, SilentFlag As Boolean 'Create CDO message object Set Message = CreateObject("cdo.Message") With Message.Configuration.Fields .Item("") = Nz(DLookup("ItemValue", "tblProgramSettings", "ItemName='SendUsing'"), "") .Item("") = Nz(DLookup("ItemValue", "tblProgramSettings", "ItemName='SMTPServerPort'"), "") .Item("") = Nz(DLookup("ItemValue", "tblProgramSettings", "ItemName='SMTPServer'"), "") .Item("") = Nz(DLookup("ItemValue", "tblProgramSettings", "ItemName='SMTPAuthenticate'"), "") .Item("") = Nz(DLookup("ItemValue", "tblProgramSettings", "ItemName='SendUserName'"), "") .Item("") = Nz(DLookup("ItemValue", "tblProgramSettings", "ItemName='SendPassword'"), "") .Item("") = Nz(DLookup("ItemValue", "tblProgramSettings", "ItemName='SMTPConnectionTimeout'"), "") .Item("") = Nz(DLookup("ItemValue", "tblProgramSettings", "ItemName='SMTPUseSSL'"), "") .Update End With With Message .To = aTo 'Set email adress .Subject = aSubject 'Set subject .TextBody = aTextBody 'Set body text If Len(aCC) > 0 Then .CC = aCC 'Set copy to If Len(aFrom) > 0 Then .FROM = aFrom 'Set sender address if specified. If Len(aPath) = 0 Then GoTo Send 'No attachment - send the message 'code for 1 attachment (tested 24/08/2007) 'If Len(aPath) > 0 Then .AddAttachment (aPath) 'Set attachment path if specified. 'code for multiple attachments (tested 25/08/2007) 'Check file list(aPath) If Len(aPath) > 0 Then 'there are attachment(s) FileList = aPath Do Until FileList = "" 'If FileList > "" Then If InStr(1, FileList, ";") = 0 Then GoTo Done Else aPath = Left(FileList, InStr(1, FileList, ";") - 1) FileList = Mid(FileList, InStr(1, FileList, ";") + 1) End If 'End If .AddAttachment (aPath) 'Attach this file Loop Done: .AddAttachment (FileList) 'Set final attachment path if it exists. End If Send: 'Check valid email addresses Dim boFailEmail As Boolean boFailEmail = False If CheckValidEmail(.To) = False Then boFailEmail = True If CheckValidEmail(.FROM) = False Then boFailEmail = True If CheckValidEmail(.CC) = False Then boFailEmail = True If boFailEmail = False Then .bcc = Nz(DLookup("ItemValue", "tblProgramSettings", "ItemName='SendUserName'"), "") 'Keep a log of all messages sent by having a copy to the SDA mailbox. .Send 'Send the message If SilentFlag = True Then GoTo EndRoutine 'omit message sent successfully below MsgBox "The email message has been sent successfully.", vbInformation, "Pastoral referral email message" Else MsgBox "The email message was not sent, there is a problem with one of the email addresses. " & vbCrLf & _ "Please inform the system administrator. ", vbCritical, "EMail message error" End If End With EndRoutine: 'Clean up Set Message = Nothing Exit_SendEMailCDO: Exit Sub Err_SendEMailCDO: 'CR - minor change of wording If MsgBox("The application was unable to send the email message(s). " & vbCrLf & _ "Please check the email settings used for the application." & vbCrLf & _ "The error message shown below should help identify the setting(s) that need to be altered. " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Error " & Err.Number & Chr(13) & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _ "Click OK to check the email settings now", vbCritical + vbOKCancel, "EMail Error") = vbOK Then DoCmd.OpenForm "frmEMailSettings" DoCmd.Close acForm, strFormName 'strFormName defined in calling form Else MsgBox "You clicked CANCEL." & vbCrLf & _ "REMEMBER to check the email settings later " & vbCrLf & _ "This can also be done from the Admin Menu form ", vbInformation, "Email Settings" End If Resume Exit_SendEMailCDO End Sub 'Use the function below to validate all email addresses before sending Function IsValidEmail(strEmailAddress As String) As Boolean Dim MyRegExp As Object Set MyRegExp = CreateObject("vbscript.RegExp") MyRegExp.Pattern = "^[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+@([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\.)+([a-zA-Z]{2,3})$" IsValidEmail = MyRegExp.Test(strEmailAddress) Set MyRegExp = Nothing End Function Function CheckValidEmail(strEmailList As String) As Boolean Dim MyRegExp As Object Dim intStart As Integer Dim intEnd As Integer Dim intMid As Integer Dim strEMail As String intStart = 1 CheckValidEmail = True Do While intEnd < Len(strEmailList) intEnd = InStr(intStart, strEmailList, ",") If intEnd = 0 Then intEnd = Len(strEmailList) + 1 strEMail = Trim(Mid(strEmailList, intStart, intEnd - intStart)) If Left(strEMail, 1) = """" Then strEMail = Mid(strEMail, 2, InStr(2, strEMail, """") - 2) End If 'Debug.Print strEmail If IsValidEmail(strEMail) = False Then MsgBox "Error with email address " & strEMail CheckValidEmail = False End If intStart = intEnd + 1 Loop End Function Function CheckEMailUseOutlook() CheckEMailUseOutlook = Nz(DLookup("ItemValue", "tblProgramSettings", "ItemName='EMailUseOutlook'"), "No") End Function Public Function CloseOutlook() 'CR - use to close all running instances of Outlook Dim objs As Object Dim obj As Object Dim strSQL As String Dim strWMI As String strWMI = "winmgmts:" strSQL = "Select * From Win32_Process " strSQL = strSQL & "where Name = 'OUTLOOK.EXE'" Set objs = GetObject(strWMI).ExecQuery(strSQL) For Each obj In objs obj.Terminate Next Set objs = Nothing End Function Public Function SendEmailUsingOutlook(strSendTo As String, strCopyTo As String, strSubject As String, strMessage As String, strAttachment As String) On Error GoTo ErrHandler 'CR - Uses late binding to send email without displaying Outlook Dim objOutlook As Object Dim objOutlookMsg As Object Dim StartOutlookFlag As Boolean Dim Path As String StartOutlookFlag = False ' Create the Outlook session. If IsAppRunning("Outlook.Application") = True Then 'Use existing instance of Outlook Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Else 'Could not get instance of Outlook, so create a new one Path = GetAppExePath("outlook.exe") 'determine outlook's installation path Shell (Path), vbMinimizedFocus 'start outlook Do While Not IsAppRunning("Outlook.Application") DoEvents Loop Set objOutlook = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") 'Bind to new instance of Outlook StartOutlookFlag = True 'needed so Outlook can be closed later End If ' Create the message. Set objOutlookMsg = objOutlook.CreateItem(0) ' Add the To/Subject/Body/Attachments to the message then send the message With objOutlookMsg .To = strSendTo .CC = strCopyTo .Subject = strSubject .Body = strMessage If Nz(strAttachment, "") <> "" Then .Attachments.Add strAttachment End If ' .Display 'do not display message .Save .Send End With Set objOutlook = Nothing Set objOutlookMsg = Nothing 'close Outlook if it was opened for this function - may need to add delay time using Sleep API DoEvents If StartOutlookFlag = True Then CloseOutlook ErrHandlerExit: Exit Function ErrHandler: If Err.Number <> 287 Then 'And err.Number <> 429 Then MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " in SendEMailUsingOutlook routine: " & Err.Description End If Resume ErrHandlerExit End Function