First Published 24 Sept 2023

This article discusses some of the SysCmd (system command) actions available in Access.

The syntax is: SysCmd(Action, Argument2, Argument3) where the Action is required and the other 2 arguments are used in certain cases

Several of these are fully documented at AcSysCmdAction enumeration (Access) as follows:

1.   Documented SysCmd values

Value Name Description Comment
1 acSysCmdInitMeter Initializes the progress meter. You must specify the argument1 and argument2 arguments when you use this action.
2 acSysCmdUpdateMeter Updates the progress meter with the specified value. You must specify the text argument when you use this action.
3 acSysCmdRemoveMeter Removes the progress meter.
4 acSysCmdSetStatus Sets the status bar text to the text argument.
5 acSysCmdClearStatus Provides information on the state of a database object.
6 acSysCmdRuntime Returns True (1) if a run-time version of Microsoft Access is running.
7 acSysCmdAccessVer Returns the version number of Microsoft Access.
8 acSysCmdIniFile Returns the name of the .ini file associated with Microsoft Access.
9 acSysCmdAccessDir Returns the name of the directory where Msaccess.exe is located.
10 acSysCmdGetObjectState Returns the state of the specified database object. You must specify argument1 and argument2 when you use this action value.
11 acSysCmdClearHelpTopic
12 acSysCmdProfile Returns the /profile setting specified by the user when starting Microsoft Access from the command line. Not used with ACCDB files
13 acSysCmdGetWorkgroupFile Returns the path to the workgroup file (System.mdw). Not used in ACCDB files
603 acSysCmdCompile Create an ACCDE file from ACCDB (or MDE from MDB) Undocumented for over 20 years.
Officially named and supported from Access version 2308 onwards

In each case, you can either use the SysCmd enumeration value or its name.
For example SysCmd (7) and SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessVer) will both return the same value e.g. 14.0 in Access 2010 or 16.0 in Access 2016 or later

The most recent addition to this list, SysCmd(603) is used to convert an external database from an ACCDB (or MDB file) to a compiled version (ACCDE/MDE).
The syntax used is: appAcc.SysCmd 603, strACCDBSourcePath, strACCDEDestinationPath where appAcc is a Access object used in automation.

For more details, see my article Create ACCDB & ACCDE Files Using Code

2.   Undocumented SysCmd values

There are a number of other very useful SysCmd values that are undocumented and therefore not supported.

Information about each of these is elusive with the most comprehensive list currently available at the excellent website run by Wayne Phillips:
Most of the following information is taken from that site:

Value Description Comment Notes (see below)
500 Count VBA references (Access 97 only) Return value is the same as Access.References.Count. Discontinued
504 Save all modules - requires Flag value SysCmd 504,16483: save and compile all modules
SysCmd 504,16484: save all modules without compiling
555 create MSysIMEXSpecs & MSysIMEXColumns system tables The two system tables used to store import/export configurations are not created by default.
Very useful to create IMEX specs in an external database
602 Compact database without repair (Access 97 only) Must be run from another application SysCmd(602, strPathSourceMdb, [strPathDestinationMdb]) Discontinued
605 Convert current database to Access 97 format (A2000-2007 only) SysCmd(605, strPathOutput) Discontinued
607 Convert to ADP project without tables / queries (A2000-2007 only) SysCmd(607,strProjectPath) Discontinued
608 View Office Assistant Tips as Strings (A2000+) SysCmd(608, intTipID) Discontinued
609 Returns the PID (Process ID) of the currently running MSAccess.exe process Discontinued
710 Set Application Instance Keyboard Type SysCmd(710, InputLocaleID)
This affects the current application instance only and is not saved with the database
711 Get Application Instance Keyboard Type This command returns the current InputLocaleID used by the application
712 Get IPictureDisp from Image Control (A2000+) Returns a pointer to the IPictureDisp interface behind an image control.
714 Are any objects in Design View? Returns True if any form/report/macro/module is open in design view. Otherwise False
715 Returns Access major build version e.g. 16907 Can combine with SysCmd(7) e.g. 16.0.16907
There is no SysCmd action to return the minor build version.

See my article In Praise Of SysCmd(555) for details on using this specific action to manage import/export specifications in external databases using automation.

I recently submitted a formal request for the most useful of these undocumented SysCmd values that still work in current versions to be officially supported / documented.
In particular, SysCmd values 504, 555 and 715.

The Notes column above will be updated if/when this happens.

I have also asked that a new SysCmd value (e.g. 911) be created that will return the full Access version, build and bitness information.
For example: Access 365 32-bit Version 2310 (Build 16907.20000 Click to Run) - Beta Channel

All of this information (and more) can be obtained using my free Access/Windows Version Checker add-in for Access.

However, at the moment, in order to get all this information using code, I have to use several VBA functions including WMI code, check multiple registry settings
and perform a web scrape from an online Microsoft help article to get the YYMM version number! It works and is very fast but also extremely convoluted!

1.   If you support these requests, PLEASE vote for them in the Access feedback portal:
           Please officially support these undocumented SysCmd actions
           Create a new SysCmd action to return the full Office version / build & bitness info

2.   If you are know any other undocumented SysCmd actions not listed above, please let me know using the Feedback form below so I can add them to this article.


Please use the contact form below to let me know whether you found this article interesting/useful or if you have any questions/comments.

Please also consider making a donation towards the costs of maintaining this website. Thank you

Colin Riddington           Mendip Data Systems                 Last Updated 24 Sept 2023

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