
Last Updated 8 Oct 2024

This page provides links to our Access videos and presentations on YouTube.

This includes all videos on our Isladogs On Access and Mendip Data Systems channels.

It also lists presentations on YouTube done for various Access User Groups and Access Devcon.
Videos of all sessions done by various presenters for my Access Europe chapter are also listed.

The number of videos available will be further expanded in the coming months.

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Date Video Title Length Description

Lock Selected Records in a Continuous Form

8:41 This shows how selected records can be locked in continuous forms whilst allowing all other records to be edited normally.

Move the Application Window Using Code

3:44 This shows how the entire Access application window can be moved using code. This can be useful e.g. to temporarily switch the currently visible application betweeen Access and PowerPoint during a presentation.

Hide the Taskbar Icon

5:10 This demonstrates two solutions to a deceptively difficult task: hiding the taskbar icon for an Access application.

BUG: Office & VBE Languages Different

5:53 This demonstrates a strange bug that occurs when English (UK) Office users change to another language such as Spanish and back again. On reverting to English (UK), the VBE language remains in Spanish. The video also describes three workarounds for the issue until it gets fixed

Lock Down Database Objects

8:20 This video demonstrates a simple method to prevent users accessing the tables, queries and macros to protect your data. In this new example, users cannot view the data in tables and queries, nor copy or export objects to another application.

Protect Data in Tables and Queries

8:30 This demonstrates a simple method of protecting your data by prevent users editing tables and queries. It is designed to block knowledgeable users from meddling with your database.

Gradient Background Fill in Forms

10:43 This video demonstrates several ways of adding a gradient background fill to your forms to make these more visually interesting for your users

Highlight Sorted & Filtered Columns in Continuous forms

6:58 This video demonstrates how to highlight sorted & filtered columns in continuous forms

Highlight Selected Control/Column

4:57 This video demonstrates how to highlight the selected control or column in continuous forms using transparency and accessibility code.

Rounded Corners in Forms

5:47 This video demonstrates how you can easily add rounded corners to forms in any version of Access. The amount of rounding can be adjusted. The effect works best with borderless forms.

Move & Resize Borderless Form Using Mouse events

7:02 Most Access forms can be moved by dragging whilst holding down the mouse on the form title bar. This isn't possible for a borderless form. This video shows how a borderless form can be both moved and resized using a combination of mouse down and mouse move events.

Click Me And I Disappear (Hide A Control With Focus)

2:27 This short video shows how you can hide a control in one step without first setting the focus to another control

Highlight Entire Form (Dim Background)

6:18 This video shows how you can dim or hide the background to focus user's attention on the current form in the foreground

Freeze Columns in Continuous Forms

16:22 The video demonstrates a simple method for freezing (and optionally locking) columns in a continuous form at runtime. These columns remain fixed in position when the form is scrolled using a horizontal scrollbar and when navigating the form using the tab or arrow keys.

Hide / Restore Columns in a Continuous Form

9:29 This video demonstrates a simple method for selectively hiding / restoring columns in a continuous form at runtime. This is done by double clicking the column header label. All other columns are moved across leaving no gaps. The hidden columns are listed in a combobox and can be restored to their original positions one at a time or all at once.

Paint Me Transparent

13:11 This video demonstrates a simple method for selectively showing / hiding command buttons and other controls in a continuous form. This isn't possible using conditional formatting as continuous forms have a single set of controls repeated for each record. Instead we use the transparent property of command buttons and apply the code in the Detail_Paint event.

Move Borderless Form Using Mouse Down Event

4:06 Most Access forms can be moved by dragging whilst holding down the mouse on the form title bar. This isn't possible for a borderless form. However, a borderless form can be moved using one line of code in a mouse down event.

Multiselect Filter in a Continuous Form

12:04 Unlike datasheet forms, continuous forms do not have a multiselect filter option. This video shows how the feature can easily be added, either from the user interface or using VBA code (2 methods).

Highlight Current Control - NO CODE REQUIRED!

03:31 This video demonstrates two simple methods of highlighting the current control without requiring any code: 1. Transparency 2. Conditional Formatting It really doesn't get any easier than this!

Using Dictation in Access

05:21 Although dictation is not officially supported in Access, this video demonstrates how voice to text input (dictation) can be used successfully in Access with long text fields where 'free-form’ text entry is used.

Access Database Analyzer Pro - 6: Evaluation, Purchase & Activation

07:14 This explains the differences between the free evaluation version & the full version which can be purchased. It also explains the activation process required if you do make a purchase.

Access Database Analyzer Pro - 5: More Options & Analysis History

08:43 This explains the various analysis options provided with the application and the use of the analysis history feature

Access Database Analyzer Pro - 4: Analysis Reports

08:00 This demonstrates the various analysis reports provided with the application

Access Database Analyzer Pro - 3: View Analysis Results

25:28 This explains how to use/interpret the results obtained from analyzing selected Access databases

Access Database Analyzer Pro - 2: Options & Analysis

05:54 This explains how to set program & analysis options and then run an analysis on a selected Access database

Access Database Analyzer Pro - 1: Introduction

04:31 Introductory video to the new Database Analyzer Pro app. It is designed to analyze a wide range of items in any external Access database without opening it directly.

Change query views using command bars code

03:06 This demonstrates how you can change query views (design/datasheet/SQL) using command bars code.

Making Automatic Form Resizing Work For You

43:52 This is a modified version of a presentation I gave to the online Access DevCon conference on 28 April 2023.

Update on the Relationships Windows Bug - Part 2

2:18 Update on the relationships window bug. Curiouser & curiouser ....

Datasheet Totals Row Bug

2:27 This video demonstrates a bug which causes datasheet totals row data to overlay data on other records when scrolling with a mouse. This affects datasheet forms as well as queries and tables

Relationships Design Window Bug

2:38 This video demonstrates a curious bug affecting the relationships window in recent versions of Access such as 365. It also describes the workaround until the bug is fixed

Table Analyzer and Viewer

8:16 This video demonstrates a utility to quickly analyze the tables in any Access database. For each table, the table type, number of fields and records are displayed. You can also determine the size of each table, view its data and the table design. All field types can be handled including complex and calculated fields

Stretch/Shrink Forms using Automatic Form Resizing

5:41 This video demonstrates a utility to quickly analyze the tables in any Access database. For each table, the table type, number of fields and records are displayed. You can also determine the size of each table, view its data and the table design. All field types can be handled including complex and calculated fields.

Using the New VBA Project Signing Feature in Access

28:36 This video explains how to use the new VBA project signing feature in Access. It will be particularly useful in organisations where the use of trusted locations is not permitted. It will also allow developers to ensure the code in their projects are not altered after the files have been distributed to clients. The video explains how to obtain a code signing certificate and use it to sign your ACCDB/ACCDE files. It also compares the properties of this feature with the existing approaches of using trusted locations or trusted documents when distributing your Access applications

Using WizHook:
Twips From Font function

22:04 The WizHook.TwipsFromFont function measures the exact width and height of a selected text sample in TWIPS.
The video demonstrates several ways that the TwipsFromFont function can be used:
a) change the width of a text box control to fit the text it contains
b) change the font size to fit the texbox control width
c) measure the height of rows in a listbox and use to 'select' a listbox row without clicking.
Use to open the related record in a separate form or display an image for the 'selected' listbox row

Wizhook: A Hidden (But Very Useful) Access Object

13:08 Wizhook is a hidden, undocumented but very useful Access object with over 70 members. It is relatively unknown despite being available for over 20 years Very little information available online. This is the first in a series of videos attempting to make it better known and more widely used.

Ways of Providing Form Control Help Text

17:43 Adding control help text can assist users understand how to use Access forms. There are five common methods that can be used: control tip text/status bar text/help captions/user prompts/audio help (text to speech) This video explains each approach and summarises the advantages and disadvantages of each method

A Deep Hidden And Complex Access Attachment Mystery

19:53 This video demonstrates an issue when tables with attachment or multivalued complex datatype fields are deep hidden so the tables cannot be viewed in the navigation pane. The unexpected solution is also explained . . . but why does it work?

Annotating Google Maps in Access - DevCon 2022

48:26 This is a video of my presentation to the online Access DevCon conference on 28 April 2022. It is being published here with the kind permission of the conference organiser and fellow MVP, Karl Donaubauer.

Ultimate Access Version & References Checker ADD-IN

8:12 When clients or forum members report issues with Access apps, we often need to know which version/bitness of Access/Office and Windows they are using. Unfortunately Microsoft do not make this information easy to collect. This FREE add-in was designed to make it easy to obtain detailed information about Access/Office & Windows versions and bitness together with a list of VBA references being used

Navigation Pane Helper Add-in

2:25 A follow-up video about the Navigation Pane Helper utility which is designed to provide faster and more efficient access to the many options available in the Access navigation pane. To make this utility even easier to install & use, it is now available as a free Access add-in from

Navigation Pane Helper

8:30 The navigation pane helper utility was designed to replicate the huge number of options available from the navigation pane but to do so more efficiently with as few clicks as possible.

Limit the Number of Records

4:13 This is a simple example showing how you can limit the number of records that can be entered in a form using minimal code

Using Scroll Lock in Excel

3:51 The scroll lock key (ScrLk) is on most keyboards but its purpose isn't widely understood. These days, most programs make no use of it but Excel is an exception. This video shows how it can be useful in Excel and a work-round if your keyboard has no scroll lock key.

Create a Custom Splash Form in Access In Access

8:21 This video demonstrates how the Access splash screen can be replaced with your own custom splash form. The splash form can be used to display application info and/or be used to run start-up code before the main form is displayed. The video shows three different methods to achieve the required result.

A Better Date Picker

10:56 This video compares the built-in Access date picker control with a better alternative. The replacement date picker is not an Active X control and is quicker and easier to use. It can be used with both 32-bit and 64-bit Access.

Attention Seeking Database: Part 4 - System Tray & Message Alerts

8:42 The last in a series of four videos showing many different ways of getting users' attention. This video demonstrates system tray alerts (AKA balloon tooltips) and a 'You have new messages' feature.

Attention Seeking Database: Part 3 - Flashing & Scrolling Text

8:35 The third in a series of four videos showing many different ways of getting users' attention. This video demonstrates various text effects involving flashing and scrolling marquee text in both the form detail and the form title bar caption.

Attention Seeking Database: Part 2 - Animation and Background Effects

10:57 The second in a series of four videos showing many different ways of getting users' attention. In this video, various types of animation are demonstrated together with the use of transparency, fade & rounding as well as different background effects.

Attention Seeking Database: Part 1 - Better Message Boxes

9:50 The first in a series of four videos showing many different ways of getting users' attention. In this video, several improvements to the standard message boxes are discussed including formatted messages, task dialogs, customised message forms including the use of HTML, countdown timers and text to speech.

Edit Linked Excel files in Access

10:50 Linked Excel files have been read only in Access since 2002 when Microsoft removed the ability to edit them directly. Normally developers either use automation or import the file, edit then export back to Excel. However, there is a much better method which is not widely known about. This video shows how linked Excel files can be directly edited in Access. New records can also be added. This approach relies on setting the IMEX value = 0

Hide Access Splash Screen

4:14 This video explains a simple way of removing the splash screen that normally appears when you open any Access application

Combobox Zombies

0:21 This is a short video (with no sound) demonstrating the 'mysterious' combo box zombies effect discussed in my article at:

Listbox Mouse Move Form

0:24 This is a short video (with no sound) demonstrating how items in a listbox can be 'selected' without clicking by using a mouse move event. As the mouse moves over each item, a related record is displayed on another form. The feature is explained fully in my article Accurately Move Forms & Controls at:

Listbox Mouse Move Images

0:34 This is a short video (with no sound) demonstrating how items in a listbox can be 'selected' without clicking by using a mouse move event. As the mouse moves over each item, a related image is displayed. The feature is explained fully in my article Accurately Move Forms & Controls at:

Drag & Drop Access Database Objects

7:01 This shows two methods of using drag and drop with any Access database object:
1. Create Access object shortcuts on the desktop - click shortcut to open the database directly to that object
2. Transfer objects from one open database to another. Easier than using the wizard to import objects.

Set Character Limit in Long Text Fields

7:06 This video shows how the number of characters in long text fields can be limited using VBA code. It also demonstrates the use of dictation for entering text in Access and code to check spelling.

Fill Down in Access

8:10 This compares the fill down feature in Excel with various options for 'copying data' from the previous record in Access. Three methods are discussed:
1. use of field default values
2. use keyboard shortcut Ctrl + ' (apostrophe) to copy individual fields
3. VBA code to allow copying of multiple fields

Working with Time Zones

10:46 This demonstrates an example application used to show the current date & time in different time zones with times being updated each second. The displayed times allow for daylight saving settings where these are currently applied.

Prevent Copy & Paste in Access Forms

8:56 Although copy & paste is a standard feature in all Windows programs, there may be occasions when you want to prevent their use in an Access database. For example to prevent insertion of too many text characters from an external source into memo (long text) fields.

Escaping The Apostrophe

12:49 This explains how to manage data containing apostrophes (such as last names O'Neill or De'ath) when writing VBA code in Access. The easiest solution is usually to replace the single quote (apostrophe) with two single quotes when running update or insert statements in VBA

Extended File Properties using Microsoft Access

13:20 This demonstrates the use of a free Access utility which can be used to obtain all the extended file properties for any Windows files.

Translate & Speak Using Microsoft Access

12:57 This example Access app shows the use of Google Translate and text to speech to speak translated text in multiple languages.

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Mendip Data Systems - YouTube channel

Click any video title to view it in YouTube

Date Video Title Length Description

Using the SDA Updater

0:18 Short video showing how using a Windows API makes file copying very fast and provides a built in progress bar

Access Application Translator

0:52 This is a short preview (no audio) of my soon-to be-released utility for Access developers.
It translates all form & report captions to another specified language.

Translate & Speak Using Access

12:57 This shows the use of Google Translate and text to speech to speak translated text in multiple languages.

Manage Calendar Events

5:44 This shows how to use the calendar events feature in Curriculum Enrichment Organiser

Manage Contacts

4:36 This shows how to use the contacts feature in Curriculum Enrichment Organiser

Compare Student & Staff Timetables in School Data Analyser

2:57 This shows how to compare student timetables for shared classes/lessons. This can be useful if there are issues when certain students are timetabled together
It also shows how to compare staff timetables for common 'free periods' e.g. for planning meetings

Manage Detentions

14:03 This shows how you can manage detentions in School Data Analyser

Analyse Session Report Grades

8:20 This shows how to analyse session report grades in School Data Analyser.
This allows you to drill down from subject to class to individual student level

Parent Meeting Appointments

3:25 This shows how to use the parent meeting appointments system in School Data Analyser

Using the Staff Home Page

9:26 This explains the various features available from the staff home page in School Data Analyser

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Access User Group Presentations

Click any video title to view it in YouTube

Date Video Title Length Description

Database Analyzer & Other Tools - Colin Riddington

59:10 My presentation for Access Europe on 6 Sept 2023. I demonstrated my new Database Analyzer Pro application which was released at the start of Sept 2023.

Translation Tools in Access

1:10:33 My presentation to the Access Lunchtime User Group on 31 Jan 2023. I discussed two of my applications: Translate & Speak followed by the Access Application Translator

Control the Application Interface & Attention Seeking in Access

1:32:18 An updated and expanded version of my presentation showing how to manage the Access application interface to make your apps look highly professional - and effective methods of alerting users to get their attention!
Presentation by Colin Riddington for AUG Espana on 17 Nov 2022 - in English with live translation to Spanish by George Young

Access Europe: Inaugural Meeting

53:29 This is the first meeting of the new Access Europe chapter (AEU) held on 2 March 2022. This was co-hosted by Colin Riddington and Alessandro Grimaldi with an introduction from Juan Soto (president of The session includes short demonstrations by both co-hosts.

Automatic Form Resizing in Access

1:07:40 Another version of my Automatic Form Resizing (AFR) presentation including resizing of datasheet and navigation forms. Presentation by Colin Riddington for the Denver Area AUG (DAAUG)
This is very similar to my presentation for the UK AUG seminar on Feb 8 2022.

Automatic Form Resizing in Access

57:36 An updated version of my Automatic Form Resizing (AFR) presentation including resizing of datasheet and navigation forms. Presentation by Colin Riddington for the UK Access User Group (UKAUG) and hosted on their website.

Control the Application Interface & Attention Seeking in Access

53:53 How to hide the Access application interface to make your apps look highly professional - and effective methods of alerting users to get their attention!
Presentation by Colin Riddington for AUG Eastern Time (ET)

Automatic Form Resizing in Access

1:02:10 Automatic Form Resizing (AFR) is a free application with source code that you can use to resize and reposition Microsoft Access forms on the fly for users with different screen resolutions. You can also zoom forms.
Presentation by Colin Riddington for AUG Lunchtime (AL)

Get Extended File Properties using Access

52:01 This shows 2 methods of obtaining the file metadata that you don't normally see. Currently, there are 321 extended file properties such as the size of a picture or the duration of a video that are now simple to get!
One tool writes data to Excel and the other keeps it in Access.
Presentation by Crystal Long & Colin Riddington for AUG Pacific (AP)

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Access DevCon Presentations

Click any video title to view it in YouTube

Date Video Title Length Description

You Can REALLY Do All That With Forms?

50:48 This is a video of my presentation to the online Access DevCon conference on 19 April 2024. The organiser, Karl Donaubauer has now made it publicly available on the Access DevCon channel on YouTube.

Annotating Google Maps in Access

48:26 This is a video of my presentation to the online Access DevCon conference on 28 April 2022. It is being published on my Isladogs on Access channel with the kind permission of the conference organiser and fellow MVP, Karl Donaubauer.

JSON Analyse & Transform for Access

17:54 This is an introduction to my JSON Analyse & Transform for Access (JATFA) application. It was designed to make importing and handling JSON files a straightforward and, in many cases, a largely automated task.
Presentation by Colin Riddington for Access DevCon 2021

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Access Europe Presentations

All videos from the new Europe chapter of
Click any video title to view it in YouTube

Date Video Title Length Description

Drag and Drop: Behind the Scenes (Alessandro Grimaldi)

57:32 Alessandro Grimaldi demonstrated several examples of his Access interactive interfaces. He outlined the code structure of his 'drag and drop' engine, on which most of these examples are based. Alessandro also showed a quick preview of the application he is currently working on, an innovative ribbon builder.

Advanced Techniques with Interactive Gantt Charts (Aleksander Wojtasz)

1:04:20 This is a follow-up to Aleksander' excellent presentation in July 2023. In this session, Aleksander explored more advanced techniques with interactive Gantt charts. The code has been rewritten and now uses a class module approach with the Scripting Dictionary being used to manage the size and position of objects placed on the screen.

Using Treeviews with Access apps (Pete Poppe)

1:07:42 In this presentation, Pete Poppe introduced the Treeview control and demonstrated when it can greatly benefit the display of certain types of data within Access applications. In particular, treeviews provide a means of showing hierarchical data in a compact but expandable form. Access does not have a native Treeview control but there are Active X and third-party versions. The presentation included advice on using treeviews and provided a “wrapper” class that makes working with treeviews much simpler.

Improved, Enhanced Message Box (Olaf Nöhring) & Enhancing Access Forms (André Minhorst)

56:06 In this session, we had two presenters from Germany. Olaf Nöhring demonstrated his improved version of the free Enhanced Message Box tool originally created by Renaud Bompuis. André Minhorst then introducd two exciting enhancements for Access applications (amvCalendar & amvExplorer) which are designed to streamline and enhance user experience.

IMEX DataTask Specifications and Extended File Properties (Colin Riddington)

59:42 Colin Riddington demonstrated 2 separate Access apps designed to simplify working with:
1. IMEX Data Task Specifications
2. Extended File Properties

Using VBA to create a class based on a table (Adolph Dupré)

42:19 Adolph Dupré discussed some powerful techniques for using class modules. He explained when you may want to use classes instead of User Defined Types (UDT). For example to manage the data in unbound forms. Adolph then demonstrated VBA code to create class modules from tables and use the class created to populate/navigate/update a simple unbound form.

Command Bars, the Access Shortcut Tool and a simple Audit Log (Dale Fye)

53:44 This session was led by Dale Fye (MVP 2013-2016). Dale gave a detailed explanation of how to work with built-in and custom CommandBars which are used to create right click context menus. He then demonstrated his free Access Shortcut Tool add-in which was designed to simplify working with CommandBars. Finally Dale demonstrated a Simple Audit Log he created for a client.

Better Access Charts – The Next Generation (Thomas Moeller)

1:11;35 This session was led by Thomas Moeller and was a continuation of the Access Europe presentation from February 2023. Thomas demonstrated what has changed in Better Access Charts since that time.

Top 10 Advanced Features of MZ-Tools (Carlos Quintero)

1:20:44 In this session, Carlos presented a detailed demonstration covering ten advanced features of his highly regarded VBE add-in, MZ-Tools, that can make you more productive and create better code in VBA. There are features to code faster, to find code faster, to review the quality of the code and much more.

Streamlining the Form Module Code in the standalone Class Module (A.P.R. Pillai)

51:06 A.P.R. Pillai demonstrated the use of class modules to streamline module code. During the course of this session, you will learn how to make effective use of class modules to streamline form and report event code.
Presentation for Access Europe on 3 Jan 2024

Streamline Your Import/Export Spec Workflow with VBA Classes (Mike Wolfe)

51:32 Mike demonstrated his clsImExSpecs class. This simplifies working with import and export specifications by writing and modifying simple VBA, rather than fighting with the unintuitive Access wizards. Knowing when and how to effectively use class modules will take your VBA to the next level.
Presentation for Access Europe on 6 Dec 2023

Using SQL Server to extend Access (John Heaser)

52:02 John discussed various ways that SQL Server can extend the capabilities of Access with particular focus on the Geography datatype which can represent points, lines and polygons on the Earth’s surface.
Presentation for Access Europe on 1 Nov 2023

The Future of Access - Juan Soto

1:07:24 Juan Soto offered detailed responses to each of the following questions during the session: What do you answer when someone says Access is dying? That Microsoft is discontinuing VBA? That Access does not cut it for enterprise use? That Access is not stable? Access does not work with the web? In addition, members of the Access team provided an outline of forthcoming changes and planned features which confirm, not only that Access is NOT dead, but that it is continuing to evolve into the future.
Presentation for Access Europe on 4 Oct 2023

Database Analyzer & Other Tools - Colin Riddington

59:10 Colin Riddington demonstrated his new Database Analyzer Pro application which was first released at the start of Sept 2023.
Presentation for Access Europe on 6 Sept 2023

An Access Developer Guide to creating applications in Blazor - Juanjo Luna

1:09:52 Juanjo Luna demonstrated how to create applications for any type of platform using Blazor. This means an end to limitations of being unable to offer services in the cloud and on mobile devices. The approach used was for VBA and MS Access developers. Juanjo described the steps required to create your first Blazor app in one hour.
Presentation for Access Europe on 2 Aug 2023

Interactive Gantt Chart Scheduler in Access - Aleksander Wojtasz

1:04:11 In many database solutions, there is often a need to present data in the form of a Gantt chart. For example, in the processes of production planning, team task management, hotel room reservations etc. It is also convenient to edit this data interactively on the chart, as this allows you to handle possible collisions and manage the overload of certain resources etc. In this session, Aleksander Wojtasz demonstrated how creating interactive Gantt charts for Microsoft Access makes it easy to manage such database solutions.
Presentation for Access Europe on 5 Jul 2023

Northwind 2.0 Developer Edition – Inventory and String functions - Tom van Stiphout / Kim Young

58:43 Tom van Stiphout and Kim Young presented an in-depth treatment of several important features in the new Northwind Developers template database.
a)   Introduction to the approach used in creating the two new versions of Northwind
b)   In depth discussion of the Inventory.
c)   Custom dialog. String functions. OpenArgs.
George Hepworth also demonstrated barcode scanning on a mobile phone with PowerApps & Dataverse
Presentation for Access Europe on 7 Jun 2023

Automating DSN-Less Connections to SQL Server - Peter Bryant

1:01:22 Peter demonstrated code (and some data) to enable you to fire and forget application upgrades to different networks. Just build and send the customer the ACCDE that works on your development network and have it automatically reconnect to their server and database on first run.
Presentation for Access Europe on 3 May 2023

Creating Calendar Format Reports - Duane Hookom

46:38 Duane Hookom demonstrated techniques for data reporting in calendar formats with an additional example by Jeff Conrad. The same, simple method could be used to print seating charts and other spatial data.
Presentation for Access Europe on 5 Apr 2023

Optimizing Queries in SQL Server - Maria Barnes

51:39 Maria Barnes discussed how to use the various tools available in SQL Server to decide which SQL queries need to be optimized. Topics covered included: Activity Monitor / Performance Dashboard / Query Simplification Basics / Estimated Execution Plan / Query Store
Presentation for Access Europe on 1 Mar 2023

State-of-the-art charts in Access using charts.js - Thomas Möller

1:21:48 Thomas Möller demonstrated the use of Javascript libraries to build state-of-the-art charts in Access. Thomas showed how to get charts based on chart.js running in Access, the external dependencies and how they can be handled, how the whole feature can be coded elegantly and clearly
Presentation for Access Europe on 1 Feb 2023

A Baker's Dozen of Tips, Trick & Tools - Karl Donaubauer

1:01:22 Karl Donaubauer demonstrated 15 of his favourite tips, tricks and tools in Access. Karl is constantly collecting techniques, tools, solutions and explanations that you don’t hear and read everywhere.
So even if you think you already know everything about Access, this video is guaranteed to show you something completely new or that you've forgotten.
Presentation for Access Europe on 4 Jan 2023

Annotate Google Maps in Access - Colin Riddington

59:07 Colin demonstrated ways of annotating downloaded static Google Maps to personalise these for your clients. Topics covered included the use of: marker points / lines joining 2 or more points / circles with nearby place info / boundary shapes / feature styles. All annotations are additional map layers using code as part of the URL to generate the map. The session also explained how to overcome issues caused by the 2083-character URL limit using the current web browser control based on IE
Presentation for Access Europe on 7 Dec 2022

PowerApps for Access Developers - George Hepworth

1:04:36 George Hepworth provided an overview of a hybrid application involving the use of Access, PowerApps and Dataverse. The different parts comprised: a) a "cloud" data source b) a desktop interface in Access c) a browser/smart device interface in Access
Presentation for Access Europe on 2 Nov 2022

Cataloguing and searching emails with Access - Alessandro Grimaldi

1:00:11 Alessandro Grimaldi demonstrated an Access application which communicates with Outlook to catalogue incoming emails. This was originally created for the European Central Bank, but the ideas can be adapted for any business or for personal use. A rather sophisticated “filter builder” is implemented, to create flexible and reusable queries to select emails matching specific criteria.
Presentation for Access Europe on 5 Oct 2022

Optimising Queries & the JET ShowPlan - Colin Riddington

1:08:40 Colin Riddington explained how to make code and queries run as efficiently as possible. The focus of this session was on ways of optimising the query execution plans created by Access when queries are run. During the session, a series of speed comparison tests were performed showing the effect of each suggested change on the query execution.
In addition, the session demonstrated two little known features built into Access that can help explain how Access runs queries:
a) JET ShowPlan
b) ISAMStats
The final part of the session involved a quiz and group discussion on query optimisation!
The files used in this session are available from
Presentation for Access Europe on 7 Sept 2022

32 to 64-bit Conversion - Peter Cole

1:11:25 Peter Cole explained how to make the process of converting a database for 64-bit Access as simple as possible. The main consideration is normally the need to convert API declarations from 32-bit to 64-bit. Peter demonstrated three related apps he has created for this task: a) free API scanner that shows the number of declare statements in a database providing an idea of the size of the updating task. b) free API Viewer that provides the declarations for 64-bit. c) commercial 32 to 64-bit updater app showing some sample updates. The two free apps are available to AEU subscribers at:
Presentation for Access Europe on 3 Aug 2022

Building Ribbon Interfaces in Code - Mike Wolfe

47:51 Mike Wolfe (MVP) explained how he builds Access ribbon interfaces in VBA code. A class module is used to generate ribbon XML at runtime. Both the sample app demonstrated and the presentation from this session are available to AEU subscribers at:
Presentation for Access Europe on 6 July 2022

Standard Module Object Generation (SMOG) - Alan Cossey

56:37 Alan Cossey demonstrated his Standard Module Object Generation (SMOG) application. This is an Access add-in used to generate VBA code which provides compile-time error checking and Intellisense for database objects such as tables and queries as well as their fields, records, parameters and so on, thus making code-writing quicker and more robust.
Presentation for Access Europe on 1 Jun 2022

Classic vs Modern Charts - Crystal Long

1:15:44 This session compared the two types of charts available in Access – the original ‘classic’ charts and the newer ‘modern’ charts available as an update to Access 2016 and all later versions including 365.
Modern charts have a better user interface with more colors to pick from. Classic charts have more power and flexibility but aren’t as intuitive to modify. The session discussed the capabilities, advantages and disadvantages of each to help you decide which is right for your application.
Presentation for Access Europe on 4 May 2022

Access Studio - Chris Arnold

40:15 Chris Arnold presented his new and very powerful Access Studio application. Similar to SQL Server Management Studio, this manages Access queries including viewing formatted SQL and query results in the same development window adding comments, run parts of more complex SQL code etc
Presentation for Access Europe on 6 Apr 2022

Inaugural Meeting - Colin Riddington & Alessandro Grimaldi

53:28 The first session of Access Europe - the latest chapter of
The meeting was co-hosted by Colin Riddington & Alessandro Grimaldi with an introduction by Juan Soto, president of It included short demonstrations of innovative Access apps by both Colin & Alessandro together with a 'get to know you' section where all audience members told us a little about themselves.
Presentation for Access Europe on 2 Mar 2022

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