We can provide detailed advice and guidance on database security to help ensure your data doesn't get hacked or stolen.

This website contains many articles discussing different aspects of database security. For example:
      Compare Access File Security : MDB/MDE vs ACCDB/ACCDE
      Improve Security in Access Databases
      Security Challenges
      Adding Security to Access Databases - A Wish List
      Using the new VBA Project Signing feature
      Linked Table Passwords Exposed
      Manage the Shift Bypass Property
      Disable Design View in ACCDB Files
      Hide Sensitive Data
      Protect Data in Tables and Queries
      Lock Down Database Objects

If you study and apply the information provided in those articles, you should be able to make your own databases sufficiently secure against issues such as:
a)   accidental loss due to user error
b)   deliberate tampering by an authorised user
c)   hacking or data theft by unauthorised users

However, any database application is only as secure as the weakest aspect of its security
We also provide a service where we test your existing security features and advise on areas of weakness that need addressing.

This can be done on site or remotely depending on the level of service required.

Requirements:                                                                                                                       Return To Top

In order to make use of our database security service:
1.   You MUST be an authorised user of any supplied file(s) / database systems
2.   You must arrange for us to have authorised user access to your system database(s) / systems.
3.   If the files are password protected, the passwords MUST normally be provided
      If you wish us to test the strength of database passwords against hacking, this can be done but may take some time to complete
4.   If the data is sensitive, you can make copies where tables are emptied (or the contents replaced with ‘dummy’ data)
5.   If the databases are split, the backend file(s) should also be supplied
6.   If the files include workgroup/user level security (ULS), details must be provided so the files can be opened

A non-disclosure agreement can be drawn up if required before any work commences.
Database security work is currently charged at £80 (GBP) per hour and can be done at times to suit clients' circumstances
If there are any complications, clients will be advised of the likely cost before proceeding.

The service we provide will advise on security issues in client databases / systems.
At the end of the process, you can either fix any issues yourself or we can arrange further work to do this on your behalf.

For further details of our database security service, please send an email with details of your requirements.
A secure location will be made available for any files that you give permission for us to analyse remotely.

Feedback                                                                                                                               Return To Top

Please use the contact form below if you wish to make use of the database conversion service or if you have any questions.

Colin Riddington                         Mendip Data Systems                         Last Updated 12 May 2024

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