First Published 23 Oct 2022 Last Updated 11 July 2023
Sometimes it is useful to know using code whether a form has been opened 'standalone' or as a subform
This is easily done by checking for the form's parent property
If its a subform, it has a parent (the main form). If not, its a standalone form
Place this code in the code module for your form:
Private Function IsSubform() As Boolean
'Returns True for a subform, otherwise false
Dim bHasParent As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
' If opened not as a subform, accessing the Parent property raises an error:
bHasParent=Not (Me.Parent Is Nothing)
Exit Function
End Function
You then use code in the Form_Load event as follows:
Private Sub Form_Load()
If Not IsSubform Then
'code here to do something
'other code here to do something else (if needed)
End If
End Sub
For example, I often use that code as a check in automatic form resizing to resize when opened as a form but not when opened as a subform
Private Sub Form_Load()
If Not IsSubform Then
ReSizeForm Me
End If
End Sub
For more information on automatic form resizing, see my 4-part article:
A Tutorial in Automatic Form Resizing
If you need to do this for several forms/subforms in your application, then a more generic solution is advisable.
Place the following code in a standard module
Public Function IsSubform(frm As Access.Form) As Boolean
' Procedure: IsSubform
' DateTime: 11/09/2014
' Author: Colin Riddington
' Purpose: Checks if the specified form is opened as a subform
Dim bHasParent As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
' If opened not as a subform, accessing the Parent property raises an error:
bHasParent = Not (frm.Parent Is Nothing)
Exit Function
End Function
You then use code in the Form_Load event as follows:
Private Sub Form_Load()
If Not IsSubform(Me) Then
'code here to do something
'other code here to do something else (if needed)
End If
End Sub
Almost identical code can be used to check whether a report is being used as a subreport
For more details, see my article Is a Report Open as a Subreport?
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Colin Riddington Mendip Data Systems Last Updated 11 July 2023
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