Example Apps for Businesses, Schools & Developers

Version 1.1           Approx 1 MB (zipped)                 First Published 29 June 2024

This example app was based on a private message request by a member at Access World Forums

It has a simple kiosk style form which fills the entire screen when in use. There is no title bar, no Access application window and no taskbar.

This type of form is often used with a touch screen monitor in a public place. For example, a Patient Login or a Point of Sale app

To do this, the form MUST be a popup with the Access application window hidden

The 3 buttons at the top of the form are provided for convenience when testing this app.
Click the Hide to Taskbar button to hide the entire form / application and show the taskbar.
Click the taskbar icon to restore the form and fill the screen again
The Design view button is shown here for demonstration. It would not normally be used in a production app
The Quit button closes the application

The 3 buttons are NOT required and can all be hidden or removed.
The same functionality is available using keyboard shortcuts in an Autokeys macro:
a)   Ctrl + H     Hide to Taskbar
b)   Ctrl + D     Design View
c)   Ctrl + F     Form View (fill screen)
d)   Ctrl + Q     Application Quit

Do NOT 'kill' the taskbar icon when the form is hidden.
Doing this will leave a hidden instance of Access which can only be terminated from the Task Manager.

Related Applications

         Patient Login
         Kiosk Style App
         Control the Application Interface

Click to download:

          Kiosk_Example_v1.1      (ACCDB - zipped)

Download and unblock the zip file. For more details, see my article: Unblock downloaded files by removing the Mark of the Web

Unzip and save the ACCDB file to a trusted location.


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Please also consider making a donation towards the costs of maintaining this website. Thank you

Colin Riddington           Mendip Data Systems                 Last Updated 29 Jun 2024

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