Last updated: 20 Oct 2024

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Main Sections

32 to 64-bit Conversion
32 to 64-bit: Conditional Compilation
32 to 64-bit: Manage Procedures
32 to 64-bit: My Future Plans
32 to 64-bit: Variables & Type Statements
A Trip Down Memory Lane
Access Security- MDB/MDE vs ACCDB/ACCDE
Access Specifications Issues
Access Wizards, User Data & Cache
Accurately Move Forms & Controls
AI: Using ChatGPT to write code
Annotate Google Maps in Access
Application Parts & Templates
Automatic Form Resizing Tutorial
Centre Form On Screen
Compare Control Help Text Methods
Debunking Myths about the Autoexec Macro
Gradient Background Fill on Forms
How Access Stores Queries
Improve Security in Access Databases
Installing Multiple Office Versions
Issues Modifying Split Forms
Issues with lookup fields in Tables
Modern Chart Improvements
Monaco SQL Editor
Multivalued Fields...& why you shouldn't use them
Purpose of System Tables
Filtering with Contains gives inconsistent results
Query Join Types
Recover Deleted Database Objects
Relationships and Referential Integrity
Remove deleted objects from MSysObjects table
Running Access on a Tablet PC
Securing Your Data - Encrypted Split No Strings DB
Security Alerts in the Message Bar
Set Default Control Properties in Forms & Reports
Show Plan – Run Faster
Sort Bit Fields in Linked SQL Server Tables
Speed Comparison Tests
Synchronise Data
The WizHook Object - Hidden & Undocumented
Timer Comparison Tests
Use Column History in Memo fields
Use Name AutoCorrect Successfully
Using the new VBA Project Signing feature
Write Conflict Errors

Access Error Codes
Access/Windows Version Check
Add Colour to Tab Control Pages
Application Tips
ASCII Character Set
Attention Seek
Auto position objects in extended Access interface
Available connections
Better Date Picker
Build Your Own Simulated Split Form
Cascading Combo Boxes
CDO Email Tester
Colour Categories/Converter
Colour Conditions
Combo Box Auto Dropdown
Combo Box Zombies
Continuous subform scrollbar selection
Control Application Interface
Countdown Timer
Create Custom Splash Form
Currency Exchange Rate Tracker
Datasheet Row/Column Select & Spell Check
Day Tracker
Emulated Split Form
Extend Access across Multiple Monitors
Extended File Properties
Filter By Form
Fix Issues with Hidden Duplicates in Reports
Folder Image Viewer
Freeze Columns in Continuous Forms
Get Current Geolocation
Get Geolocation From Photos
Greyed Out Controls : Disable or Lock?
Hide Duplicate Values in Continuous Forms
Hide/Restore Selected Columns in Continuous Form
Hide Sensitive Data
Hide the Taskbar Icon
Highlight Control/Column in Continuous Forms
Highlight Current Control in Single Forms
Highlight Current Record in Continuous Form
Highlight Entire Form (Dim Background)
Highlight Filtered Columns in Continuous Forms
Highlight Required Fields
Highlight Search Results
Horizontal Continuous Form
JET ShowPlan Manager
Kiosk Example Form
Kiosk Style
Limit the Number of Records
Listbox Mouse Move Item Tooltips
Live Currency Ticker
Lock Down Database Objects
Lock Selected Records in Continuous Forms
Logged In Users
Manage Label Printing
Move the Application Window Using Code
Move/Resize Borderless Form Using Mouse Events
Move/Resize Selected Columns in Continuous Forms
Multiple Group & Filter
Multiselect Filter in a Continuous Form
Navigation Pane Helper
Open New Form & Close Original Form
Password Login
Patient Login (Kiosk Mode)
Populate Junction Table
Protect Data in Tables and Queries
Query Metadata Viewer
Reaction Timer
Rich Text Editor
Rounded Corners in Forms
Run External Apps from Access
Set BackColor of all Forms
Set Controls
Signature Capture
Sort Columns in Continuous Forms
Speaking Clock
Streamline Multiselect Filters in Continuous Forms
Student ICT Database
Subform Shrink & Grow
Synchronise Subform Scrolling
System Metrics
System Tray Alerts
Table Analyzer & Viewer
Text to Speech
Translate & Speak
UK Postcode Address Lookup
UK Postcode Finder
Using Combo Charts in Access
View Access Help
View all database objects & metadata
View/Edit IMEX Data Tasks
View External Tables
Web Version Checker
Working with Time Zones

Add colour to queries, listboxes & combos
Add References using code   
Age Calculations   
Align Text With Spacers   
Application.UserControl Property
Autofit or Zoom? Match Text to Form Control   
Calculate Distance Between Locations
Case Sensitive Password Validation
Change Query Views Using Command Bars Code
Change Resolution Using Code   
Check Internet Connection Using Code   
Check Procedure Exists
Clear the Immediate Window using Code
Close all VBE windows
Compile Modules using code
Copy Meetings & Appointments in Outlook
Count Jobs in Print Queue
Create ACCDB & ACCDE Files using code
Create Index on SQL View
Database Statistics
Detailed System Info
Disable Design View In ACCDB Files
Disable Shortcut Menus in Reports
Easter calculator
Edit Linked Excel data in Access
Encoded Map Path Co-ordinates
Fast File Copy using a Windows API
Fill down in tables, queries, forms
Fix Google maps in Access web browser control
Fix shrunken nav pane issue
Forcibly Shutdown Access
Formatted Message Box
Get Computer Name
Get Control Positions & Sizes Using Code
Get Control Properties Using Code
Get Default Printer
Get Network Path
Get User Full Name
Get User Name
Get Value in Previous Record
Get full list of VBA references & locations
Hide Access Splash Screen
Is Form Loaded?
Is Form Open as a Subform?
Is Report Open as a Subreport?
Is Location Trusted?
Linked No Tables
List Access Error Codes
List All Installed Apps
List All Module Procedures
List Environ Variables
List Tables with Complex Fields
Manage Taskbar/Navigation Pane/Ribbon
Manage Totals row using VBA
Masked Input Box
Message Box Constants & Values
Missing Trigonometric Functions
Module Type property
Negative Total Pages On Report
On/Off Toggle Slider Control
Open Database with Shift Bypass using Code
Paint Me Transparent in a Continuous Form
Progress Bar
Prevent Copy & Paste in Form
Prevent Opening Objects From the Navigation Pane
Rank order in queries
Remove core Windows modern apps using Power Shell
Report Group Pages
Reset the Property Sheet
Restore Missing Status Bar
Save As Text / Load From Text
Set the Application Icon Using Code
Set Character Limit In Long Text Fields
Set Default Printer
Unicode Input Box
Update All Form & Report Fonts
Upend Query
View Form Code

Access Command Line Switches
Access File Limits
Access Infographics
Access Issues Fixed
Access Keyboard Shortcuts
Access News VIDEO - AEK Conference (Oct 23)
Access Roadmap Update (Oct 2022)
Breakpoints and special keys
BUG: Callback function crashes Access
BUG: Popup forms with breakpoints & navigation
BUG: Query Designer Insert/Delete Columns
BUG: Version 2408 and Hanging Access Tasks
Changes to Access Roadmap
Click Me And I Disappear
Datasheet Totals Row Bug
Dictation in Access
Disabled Datasheet Fields Undone By Events!
Drag & Drop Database Objects
Epson announces end of laser printers
ERROR: Trust Center Settings in ACCDR files
Export Customised Ribbon
FIXED: Error 3283 - refreshing links using code
FIXED: Error 3611 - refreshing links using code
Fix Navigation Bar Half Height problem
Form Datasheet ribbon missing in popup form
Happy Birthday. Access Is 30!
In Praise Of SysCmd(555)
Install Windows on iPhone
Introducing the NENAPUTS query
Isla - R.I.P.
Issues with Boolean Variables and Fields
Large Address Awareness in 32-bit Access
Linked table passwords exposed
Localization Issues in Access
Locked and disabled control puzzle
Making Automatic Form Resizing work for you
Manage Old Data: Archive, Mark or Delete?
Manage Windows Smart Screen Warnings
Maximum Password Length in Access Files
Maximum Width of Access Forms & Reports
Monaco SQL Editor Temporarily Disabled
Navigation pane search bar code
Now you CAN open more tables and databases
Office & VBE Menu Languages Different
Oops-how did that make an ACCDE file?
Open Queries Directly in SQL View
Outlook: Check your Connection
Reserved Errors - no message for this error
Safe Mode VBE en Francais
Strikethrough Font in Access
Suggested Improvements to IMEX Data Tasks
Tables Disappear In Relationships Window
The Curious Case of the Multi Row Tab Control
The Power of Data
The Strange Dotted Square 'Bug'
Two Font Display Bugs in Version 2309
Two New Access Features - Autumn 2024
Two New Access Features in the Beta Channel
Unblock downloaded files - remove MOTW
Undocumented SysCmd Actions
Unsplit Database Tables
Use Multiple Tags on Form Controls
Using the Scroll Lock Key in Excel
VBE Option Statements
Why Can't I Create an ACCDE file?
Why does SSMA fail to import my tables?
Why Isladogs? Why Access?
Why Rushmore?
You Can REALLY Do All That With Forms?

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